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Huawei’s quality & safety ensured by the highest standards

Huawei’s quality & safety ensured by the highest standards

HUAWEI Consumer Business Group, a brand known for putting quality at the forefront of their product development strategy, recently shed light on its quality standards. HUAWEI goes out-of-the-way to ensure that all its products are extremely safe to use and provide the highest quality.

Earlier in August 2015, the ambient light sensor (ALS) from ROHM in Awn 4, MateS and Honor 7i had a failure rate of 0.1%. Maintaining HUAWEI’s reputation for quality, all of the smartphones using that batch of sensors were sent back for rework. Even if the ALS fails, the phones can still perform almost all the functions but regardless of the huge cost incurred, HUAWEI still called back all devices.

When we talk of HUAWEI – it is the only global brand today, with no record of any exploding-device. HUAWEI has effectively and consistently kept ‘user-safety’ at the forefront of all its operations. No product with even the remotest possibility of posing any health-hazard is ever approved or distributed among the HUAWEI users. Extensive stress-testing is done to ensure maximum safety protocols.

“Quality is the integrity and lifeline of Huawei. Huawei employs the craftsmen’s spirit’ to measure its products and ensure zero defects.” said Richard Yu, CEO of HUAWEI’S Consumer Business Group.

To ensure the quality of HUAWEI Health App 2.1, it underwent numerous tests by the testing crew. To guarantee the tracking precision, running tests were held in multiple cities. They ran over 1,000km, equivalent to 24 marathons. To guarantee the heigh tracking precision, the crew climbed up and down over 1,200 stories of stairs, equivalent to climbing up the Burj Dubai on foot for 7 times.

To guarantee the precision of step count, the testing crew walked over three million steps covering a total distance of over 2,000km, equivalent to walking back and forth for 10 times between Shenzhen and Guangzhou.

HUAWEI has also opened the doors to its “Device-Testing facilities”, in order to boost the consumers’ confidence in its products. Consumers can now be sure that maximum quality is ensured through due diligence for each one of their favorite HUAWEI products.


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