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Young Leaders’ Conference focuses on Hepatitis prevention on day-3

Young Leaders’ Conference focuses on Hepatitis prevention on day-3

Young Leaders Conference’s (YLC) third day was titled ‘Cultural Leadership’, moderated by Asma Mustafa Khan. Each year, YLC opens its doors to 300 youngsters, between the ages of 18-24 from all over Pakistan. The third day was primarily designed to help the young participants discover their true potential and to find out where their talents could be best utilized.

As the World Hepatitis Day falls on 28th July, this conference welcomed representatives from Hilton Pharma, who engaged them in an awareness session on symptoms, preventive and curative measures for Hepatitis, as well as a Hepatitis Walk where participants designed and displayed their own posters.

Cultural Leadership was discussed in relation to the fashion industry, Self Defense techniques were taught and a campaign “Say no to violence” was discussed in the YLC. A very informative keynote session on ‘Scripture and Culture’ was given by Izhar-ul-Haq.  ‘Skills Shops Breaking Stereotypes’ took place in which the following skill shops were conducted; Defending Yourself, Healthy Lifestyle, Packaging Yourself, Listening an Act of Service and Art of Story Telling.

A Keynote Session was also conducted on ‘Culture matters: How values shape human progress’ by JavedJabbar. A cultural dinner was enjoyed by the youth which celebrated true colors of Pakistan as the third day came to a close. YLC is committed to shape the lives of the individuals attending the conference and help them get a better career path for themselves.


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