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Ali Rehman Khan Opens up about Life during Lockdown and Answers Some Burning Questions from fans!

Ali Rehman Khan Opens up about Life during Lockdown and Answers Some Burning Questions from fans!

The film and television actor Ali Rehman Khan recently appeared in an interview on Hum News, and talked about his life and routine amidst the lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. “I like working, I like going to the set and performing” emphasized Ali Rehman Khan as he talked about what he has been missing during this time of isolation. The Parchi star clearly loves what he does, so the chat could only have started only one way.

As he talked about the current situation, there was some positivity, but a sense of frustration and worry also seeped through. He shed light on the positives like having control over your day, the freedom of not having to fret about the next thing. However, he also talked about how it is difficult for him not being on set, and missing out on gym. He also stated that he is rarely leaving the house and when he does, all precautions are taken. On a general level, a concern raised by Ali Rehman was for the peoplewho are dependent on daily wages, and must be struggling during these trying times.

Khan also received calls from fans during the interview, people had a lot of questions to ask the star about his upcoming work, and life in general. He had some good news for his fans about his upcoming project. The actor revealed that before the lockdown had begun, he had started shooting for a new film, and we will get to watch him with HaniaAamiron the big screen.

Upon being asked what would be his dream role, something that he would love to perform, Khan revealed that after having done a few romantic roles in films, he wants to be a Pakistani Super hero. That would be intriguing right? What would Ali Rehman’s Pakistani super hero look be like, we wonder? He also mentioned that he might start a YouTube Channel soon, where he could start by teaching aspiring actors the basics of the craft.

Though, the mostheartwarmingmoment during the interview was when a doctor called in and thanked Ali Rehmanand the host for keeping them entertained as they fight this deadly virus.

You can watch the full interview here:

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