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A culture of skilling is pivotal for a digitally operated world

A culture of skilling is pivotal for a digitally operated world

Lahore– The COVID-19 pandemic has played a major role in streamlining the move to a more digitally operated world. Not only the spheres of education, but also a multitude of industries, according to a press release issued by Microsoft.

Sighting a report by Mckinsey Global Institute, the press release said, its estimated that 800 million individuals will be required to learn new skills to adequately fulfil their jobs by 2030. This coupled with our recent findings that by 2025 digital job capacity will grow by 149 million jobs makes it clear that it is not enough to just make once off investments or show an adhoc awareness towards skills development. Pivotal to the survival and digital transformation journey, is a need to cultivate an ongoing culture of skilling.

Microsoft, as part of its mission to enable every organisation and individual to achieve more,  has long committed to closing the skills and opportunity gap, assisting everyone – particularly those that have remained unreached or displaced by technology to acquire the skills, knowledge and opportunity to success in the digital economy, it added.

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