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PFMA committed to extend full support to PCST for First Industrial National Innovative Survey

PFMA committed to extend full support to PCST for First Industrial National Innovative Survey

Lahore-Pakistan Footwear Manufacturing association (PFMA) Chairman Mr. Muhammad Imran Malik M.D Bata has welcomed Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST) 4-members delegate for arranging successful meeting prior to conducting Industry related survey. PFMA has appreciated the Government Gesture of reaching out to Industry at their door-step by PCST before carrying out the survey. PFMA has put forward important industry related issue hampering the growth of Footwear industry in Pakistan.

PCST has been given task to carry out Pakistan First industrial national innovation Survey (FINIS). The objective of the survey is to conduct National survey of manufacturing sector for gaining insight into their Industry innovative process and gauging extend & nature of its innovation activities. They have to identify the factors hampering the innovation activities at the firm-level. They have to find out the motivational factors for firms for undertaking innovation activities. Based on their finding, PCST will suggest policy measures/framework for promoting innovation in manufacturing sector for enhancing its competitiveness in the national and International market.

PFMA chairman has briefed the PCST delegates about contemporary footwear industry issues in which Importing of Raw material is most important factor in determining the growth of manufacturing sector in Pakistan. Currently Industry is relying on Importing raw material to produce final products. Industry importing raw material either from China or from Europe to meet its domestic demand. There is dire need to develop indigenous Raw material producing industry in Pakistan to reduce reliance on important material and safe valuable foreign exchange. Beside this, The basic shoe components like Mold, it is most important component for shoe making, is not produced in Pakistan locally and Industry has to import either from Chine or European country. The development of Technological advance local industry will play decisive role in making footwear industry to be self-sufficient in achieving highest growth targets.

The PFMA chairman has offered all out support to the Government in this survey and committed to provided maximum first-hand knowledge related to footwear industry of Pakistan. PFMA wants this survey to be meaningful in addressing the Industry related issues and serve as an important tool in formulating effective policy making for the industry.

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