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Superior University Envisage Funds for Exclusive Research Ideas

Superior University Envisage Funds for Exclusive Research Ideas

Lahore-Superior University has initiated a fully funded research program under the umbrella of Superior Impact Fund (SIF). Progress and Prosperity unveils its positive impacts on any society or a civilization after some time, with efforts that are put in by different individuals. Sometimes, one generation plans and the next one taste the fruits of those planted seeds. Superior University plays a role in nurturing the society and economy of Pakistan. Superior University is incepted with a vision to take Pakistan and its people to new heights of glory. It is commonly observed that many highly talented guys leave as unsung heroes who have had great ideas and potential. This organization’s heads think it as a matter of great concern and let the leaders, researchers, thinkers, potential entrepreneurs, media experts, medical researchers and engineers to emerge from different departments.

A Recognition Sign for Superior University’s Valued Senior Faculty…!!

The research facility is allocated to the working faculty of the Superior University. The diversified research facility may lead to new learning about the country’s economic, social, cultural, and political and racial systems. Superior University Rector Dr. Sumaira Rehman said that she appreciates and encourage the research-based projects, study patterns, and students as well as faculty to be all ready to take challenges to research.  Superior Impact Fund gives an edge to the University as being a research organization. The grants are available to perform the most dynamic and new theories and practices to the existing faculty members. Superior University appreciate and promote the research papers that really address our country’s social or economic issues. It will fund those project areas which are not accepted or usually neglected by the HEC or PHEC.

Finding a Gem and Evolutionary Concept from Within the Organization                 

Superior University wants to invest into the investigations which will prove to be fruitful for the organization, researchers, and students for the whole nation. An enormous budget of “PKR 3 Million” is set aside to solely fund the research scholars at the university campus. The topics related with Life Sciences, Medicines, Information Technology, Entrepreneurship and Engineering are encouraged for selection in the grants section.

A two leveled grants plan is established:

  • Small Superior Impact Grant (SSIG – PKR 10,000 to 500,000).
  • Main Superior Impact Grants (MSIG – PKR 500,000 to 250,000)

Superior University Grants Committee select and encourage the research concepts which are especially related to the domestic environment and for highlighting the sphere of Pakistan! It is interesting for aspiring researchers to know that the Superior University will fund all great ideas. The benefits of having a fully funded research project definitely open up new horizons for anyone at the university.

A Remarkable Intellectual Journey will lead to Prosperity!

Superior University’s Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) keeps one philosophy in mind, and that is to serve its very own “Human Resource Capital” in a best and distinguished manner. Provision of quality education to all students, mentoring, and letting the faculty members to explore their own new horizons via research papers, seminars, webinars, and an opportunity to upgrade their degrees and lots more is available at the campus. Rector Dr. Sumaira Rehman of Superior University says “we want our organization to be known as one of the most reputable research institutions of the country where students and teachers can open up new corridors of success as entrepreneurs, human rights workers, instructors, medical, engineering and as media experts. The wisdom and insight into solving age old issues in a new manner is the crux of the whole Superior Impact Fund offers”.

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