Reporter PK organizes bloggers meet-up in Lahore organizes bloggers meet-up in Lahore

Kamu Logo, an online shopping community, recently held a bloggers meet-up in Lahore to get insights and feedback on how to furtherimprove their platform for both sellers and buyers. Mr Imtiaz Noor Mohammad (Head of Marketing, and Mr Haseeb Malik (Manager Communications/PR) represented Kaymu at the gathering.

A number of matters related to were discussed, including customer satisfaction, payment mechanism, dealing with competition, running an online marketplace model and much more. A detailed discussion took place on the state of the ecommerce industry in Pakistan and the growth of the sector in the last few years.

While there has been steady growth in Pakistan’s online industry, there are still a lot of gaps that need to be filled. One of the key aspects Kaymu is working on is educating both buyers and sellers around the benefits and ease of utilizing online platforms. Mr. Imtiaz informed the attendees on the various initiatives taken up by to increase awareness amongst the general public on the growing ecommerce landscape of Pakistan. is paying special attention on helping increase the participation of women in the online industry and holds regular workshops for budding female entrepreneurs looking to start up online businesses.

In the end thanked the bloggers for helping and supporting the organization grow exponentially. Mr Imtiaz remarked that bloggers and online influencers have a key role to play in the promotion and growth of Pakistan’s ecommerce industry.

There is great potential for growth in Pakistan’s ecommerce industry and it is encouraging to see that bloggers and online influencers are being considered as key stakeholders in achieving growth.


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