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Microsoft joins the bandwagon

Microsoft joins the bandwagon

Microsoft has entered into the world of Smartphone with their new range of phones and this is enough to send warning signals through the industry giants as it aims to eat shares out of Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android system.
There you go again, another Smartphone is soon to invade the market as Microsoft is all set to launch its Smartphone. The handset will be made by Samsung, LG, HTC and Dell which they hope may push them back into the mobile market. The phones are said to look like the Apples Iphone with colorful touch-screens and “live tiles” for easy access to email, web, music and other applications.
Some analysts say that this may be Microsoft’s last chance to catch up in this market as they seem to have been left behind in this rat race. In the past few years they have had some unpopular entries and this phone should do well in order to secure a position for them in this category
The first phone will be available from operator AT&T, and will be priced at $200, which is very close to the price of the new Iphone 4. It will be available in store from November 8 onwards said Ralph de la Vega, CEO of AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets. If you ask what will be so different about this phone that would make you go for it well the answer is the new range of phones, is built on the Snapdragon processor made by Qualcomm which will allow users to play Xbox games on the phones, link to Windows Office, use the Bing search engine and download and play music through its Zune music software.
Currently Microsoft has a market share of only 5 per cent in the global smartphone market, according to research firm Gartner, compared with 9 per cent a year ago. Google’s Android system has a 17 per cent market share, jumping from only 2 per cent a year ago. (Emirates Business 24/7). News is that the new phone launched by Microsoft has gained a positive response and favorable early reviews on Monday. However it is yet to be seen whether they can match up to the success of their competition that were smart and tactical in their marketing methods.
They have promised to spend more than $100 million on marketing the phones, along with handset makers and network carriers, and will indulge in heavy television advertising in the holiday shopping season, as they try to gain some momentum for this new entry in the Smartphone category.

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