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Apple & Samsung ready to Copy, Huawei P9 Dual Camera Feature

Apple & Samsung ready to Copy, Huawei P9 Dual Camera Feature

Recently, rumors took the market that after a successful and innovative venture of Huawei with Leica for the dual Camera in Huawei P9, Apple and Samsung are going to introduce their handsets with the same, dual Camera, features. Huawei has always been setting examples and acts as a model in the technology manufacturing spheres. No doubt all the smart phones are in a way or the other have the same or at least resembling feature and the companies have nothing to bring a kind of revolutionary innovation. But, Huawei has broken the ice and introduction of a dual camera smart phone worked really well. That is also evident from the hot sales of Huawei P9 across the markets.

There are three important factors that are counted as the earmark for the Samsung and Apple to opt the dual Camera feature in their future handsets. Moreover, same factors made the basis for the popularity of Huawei P9 in the technology lovers.

Firstly, Huawei P9 has offered a way better quality photography as compared to the normal/ single camera results. This is due to the combination of a monochromatic and a color camera in Huawei P9. Both the camera enhances the quality by capturing a quality picture with three times the light of a normal camera. This brings better detailed photographs with more clear results even in low lights. So it is not actually about the quantity of camera at the rear side of a smart phone, instead it is always about the quality, and that Huawei always focuses the most.

Secondly, a professional photographer knows that different lenses are the requirement of different scenes and scenery. Hence, in Huawei P9 it is clearly emphasized to provide the customers with two distinct lenses for a better and memorial photography of any scene or the scenery. It is obvious, different focal lengths give a different feel to the images and the same can only be achieved through Huawei P9, when it comes to smart phone camera features. Overall, it must be admitted that a variety of options without extra accessories to carry, is always a great fun!

A third factor is a feature of zooming the images without getting them blurry. Dual Camera of Huawei P9 works on the similar principle that provides more zooming option without blurring the images. And that is again possible due the dual camera, having different lenses and due to the combination of color and a monochrome camera.

In a nutshell a dual camera is highly attractive feature to be adopted by the companies to keep their products in the markets. Further, the dual camera is the only option to improve image quality to the considerable level and simultaneously not deforming or sacrificing any other feature. Hopefully, if Apple and Samsung took the same beat the 2016 will be the year of dual camera smart phones.

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