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Dell to Switch 25,000 Staff from BlackBerrys to Own Smartphones

Dell to Switch 25,000 Staff from BlackBerrys to Own Smartphones

­Computer manufacturer, Dell is planning to move the bulk of its 25,000 employees mobile phones over to its own smartphone range, and then market its own migration as an example to other businesses.

“Clearly in this decision we are competing with RIM, because we’re kicking them out,” the computer maker’s chief financial officer, Brian Gladden told the Wall Street Journal in an interview. The move is seen as a direct blow against Research in Motion, which supplies the bulk of the company’s current mobile phones.

Dell employees will be offered the upcoming Dell Venue Pro – which runs Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 software – in exchange for their BlackBerrys. Eventually, the company also will also offer phones based on the Android operating system.

The company expects to cut its mobile phone costs by around a quarter following the switch, which is also reported to include securing a corporate deal from T-Mobile USA.

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