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FFC Wins UN Global Compact “Best Sustainability Award”

FFC Wins UN Global Compact “Best Sustainability Award”

FFC CSR program has been awarded the first prize in UN Global Compact 2017 Business Sustainability Awards. FFC was represented by Head of CSR Brig (Retd) Abid Mahmud at the ceremony. The award was to recognize FFC exemplary CSR program, compliance to the UNGC Ten Principles and on ground interventions supporting the global vision of “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals”.

FFC was ranked first under Large National Categories and the prize is testament to FFC’s continuous commitment to sustainable and responsible practices, which has been centric to company’s business strategies and operations. In 2018, FFC is proudly celebrating its 36th year of excellence and service to society through Pakistan’s most extensive and comprehensive CSR program.

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