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Hamid Ismail Foundation Tree Plantation Drive at Quaid e Azam Residency

Hamid Ismail Foundation Tree Plantation Drive at Quaid e Azam Residency

Tree plantation drive organized by Hamid Ismail Foundation at Quaide-Azam Residency, Karachi.

The aim of Hamid Ismail Foundation is to make Karachi a clean city and planting trees is the first step to make the environment healthy and clean. 100 trees were planted at Quaid e Azam Residency. The event started at 3 pm with recitation of Holy Quran followed by Hamid Ismail welcome address to guests. 

First tree was planted by Hamid Ismail followed by other guests. Students were also invited from different schools who were very enthusiastic and were waving small flags throughout the event. It was good to see patriotic future generation who cared about saving this earth. Students also helped in planting the seeds of some fruit trees.

It is a great initiative taken by Hamid Ismail Foundation. There is a need to save and plant trees to have a better and healthy environment for us and the generations to come. It is the time we all step up and work towards giving back to this motherland.

The event was attended by the following esteemed guests: • Mr. Moeed Anwar – Chairman DMC East • Mr. Rehan Hashmi – Chairman DMC Central • Mr. Nayyer Raza – Chairman DMC Korangi • Mr. Ahmed Ali Siddiqui – Deputy Commissioner East • Mr. Shehryar Gul Memon – Deputy Commissioner Korangi • Mr. Muhammad Ghazaal – COO Saylani Welfare Trust • Mr. Saleem Baloch – MPA PPP • Mr. Sardar Ali – Minister of Culture and Tourism.

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