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KPK Special Assistance on Industry and Commerce met with PFMA to forge business ties for Footwear Industry growth

KPK Special Assistance on Industry and Commerce met with PFMA to forge business ties for Footwear Industry growth

Lahore– KPK special Assistance to Chief Minister on Industries and Commerce focal person and senior delegates pay visit to Pakistan Footwear Manufacturer association (PFMA) office in Lahore. PFMA vice chairman Mr. Muhammad Zubair welcomed the delegate and arranged visit of PSDH and IPFTC facilities. KPK delegate is headed by Mr. Abdul Karim Focal person for investment related activities praised the state-of-the-art facilities operated under PFMA.  The detailed visit is meant to forge business ties between KPK and Punjab Provincial Government to work together for the growth of footwear industry in Pakistan. KPK Government has immense demand for Peshawari Chappal and seeking international market to export. In order to achieve this objective, there is a need to adopt modernize techniques and tools to meet international standards. IPFTC has been equipped with latest machinery and applying most modern techniques to bring local industry at par with international standards.

KPK Special Assistant to CM Mr. Abdul Karim impressed by the Facility and stated “ We want to replicate this model for our Peshawari Chapal Industry which still uses old techniques and lacks Modern tools. We wish to joined hand with PFMA to help us build similar facility and provide training to our craftsman to adopt most advance techniques in developing Peshawari chappal so we can gain access to international market. We wish to tie nod with PFMA in modernizing our local footwear industry with infrastructure and Human resource development to produce International standard products and tap foreign markets.”

PFMA Vice Chairman Mr. Muhammad Zubair encourage the provincial cooperation to work together for the betterment of the Footwear industry he further stated “We are pleased to welcome KPK Government to showing interest in forging cooperation in enhancing the Footwear Industry. We are more than happy to support every cooperation at provincial level to enhance the skills of workforce and equipped them with most modernize tools to prepare finest products for local and international market. We continue our work towards modernizing footwear Industry of Pakistan to become leading exporting Sector of the country”.

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