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Microsoft Pakistan’s Country Manager Conducts a Rendezvous with the Pakistani Media


Microsoft Pakistan’s Country Manager Conducts a Rendezvous with the Pakistani Media

Microsoft - PictureThe Country Manager discussed the role of Microsoft in the progress of IT infrastructure in Pakistan and laid out his vision for future technology related projects

A media interaction session was conducted by Microsoft Pakistan at their liaison office in Islamabad where representatives from Pakistan’s media circles were invited to interact with the newly appointed Country Manager, Amir Rao. The session was organized to thank the local media for their positive relationship with the company in the last fiscal year and to present a layout of Microsoft Pakistan’s strong commitment for the progress of Information Technology in Pakistan. The session was attended by leading journalists from electronic, print and digital mediums.

Amir Rao, country manager, Microsoft Pakistan reiterated the company’s commitment and said: “The world has embarked on a revolutionary journey with the advent of technology and every day we make a sizeable progress towards a unique technological advancement. Pakistan has also made a remarkable progress in the field of IT through the implementation of technological equipment and software across all platforms. We at Microsoft Pakistan believe that in order to take this country forward, we must stay abreast with all the technological innovations because these advances promise a sustainable economic future and an enhanced lifestyle for the people. We aim to invest more in programs which are beneficial for the youth, as they are the biggest asset of Pakistan.”

Microsoft has played a significant part in leading the IT innovations across different areas of government, health and education sectors. In the previous year, Microsoft conducted many programs in educational institutions such as Imagine Cup, DreamSpark, WOWZAPP and DigiGirlz. All these programs were aimed at letting students delve into their talent and create technological solutions to different challenges. In the DigiGirlz program, girls from high schools connected with Microsoft employees and learnt about how to make a successful career in technology. Another significant contribution to the economy is Microsoft’s BizSpark program which provides technological and logistical support to promising startups and entrepreneurs. Apart from these, Microsoft Pakistan has organized hackathons across different universities to tap on the talent possessed by Pakistani students.

The Country Manager asserted that Microsoft Pakistan aims to invest deeply in such endeavors in the upcoming fiscal year to promote technology enablement for a prosperous Pakistan.

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