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Mobile Madness: The best smart phones of 2013

Mobile Madness: The best smart phones of 2013

GALAXY S4 zoom (5)You know the drill. Every two years or so you get to upgrade that seemingly ancient smart phone for a shiny, cutting-edge device. .Your reign atop the tech curve for about two weeks, after which another phone dethrones yours as the latest and greatest.

Like a new job or girlfriend, a phone is an important commit­ment. This device will be at your side for the foreseeable future. For many of us, smart phones are the first things we see in the morning and the last things we sec before bed.

Luckily for current smart phone shoppers, 2013 has already proven to be a landmark year in the mobile industry. Samsung, I-ITC and Facebook have all made sig­nificant additions to their mobile lines, and experts expect the same from Google and Apple in the com­ing months. Get the scoop on your next electronic companion with mobile roundup.


Just 10 months ago, Samsung re­leased the third iteration of its Galaxy phone, the Sill. Critics praised the Sill’s size, power and capabilities, declaring it iPhone’s greatest threat. Samsung is attempting to double down on the Sill’s success with an­other update, the Samsung Galaxy S4. It is bigger, faster and has a few tricks up its sleeve. The S4 features a 5-inch 1080p screen, furthering Samsung’s ascent into “phablet” territory. To appease consumers seeking a wow factor, the Korean manufacturer added eye-tracking technology to the Galaxy S4. The feature pauses videos when users look away and resumes them when they look back. The Galaxy S4 will launch on seven U.S. Carriers, ac­cording to, so users can shop for AT&T, Verizon or T-Mobile phone plans.


Zuckerburg and Facebook sparked speculation of a Facebook Phone when it announced a mobile event in late March. The rumours were partially true. Faccbook didn’t release its own hardware, but it an­nounced a new app integration which will debut on the Facebook­optimised I ITC First. The new app puts Facebook functions at the cen­tre of the phone. Facebook mes­sage chat bubbles appear in any app and status updates stream on the home screen. Social media users, will appreciate Facebook’s forward thinking approach. 


Google already has its foot in the mobile ring with its line of Nexus smartphones and tablets. After ac­quiring Motorola in 2012, however, Google’s commitment to mobile ap­pears significant. The search king could make its next big play as early as next month, when the Google I/O conference invades San Francisco. Rumours indicate that an “X Phone” could emerge to challenge Samsung and Apple. Google co-founded Larry Page described the importance of extended battery life and hardware durability when asked about the future of mobile, according to Dig‑ital trends. Google rarely en­ters an industry without the belief that it can dominate.


As the competition scrambles to attract attention, Apple appears content to stick to its normal cycle. That would mean an iPhone update sometime this summer. Ru­mour has it Apple could make the next addition to its mobile line sometime this fall with a less-expensive iPhone, ac­cording to If there’s a knock on Apple’s current i Phone, it’s the high price tag. A cheaper phone would extend Apple’s reach to an even greater audience.

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