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Samsung Debuts Digital Screens for Cinema’s at Cine Europe

Samsung Debuts Digital Screens for Cinema’s at Cine Europe

SamsungSamsung Electronics Co., Ltd., is bringing its Large-Format Displays (LFDs) to Cine Europe 2013 to showcase the future of display in the cinema. The Samsung booth has been designed to mirror an actual cinema, with visitors taken on a moviegoer’s journey – starting at the box-office, moving on to buying refreshments and finally enjoying the cinematic experience.

Visitors to the booth will be able to buy a ticket on touchscreen LFD. From there, they will be able to watch trailers for upcoming films on the stunning LFDs installed in the hallway running up to the theatre. The LFD, that has been built for use outdoors and able to withstand any weather condition, will also be on display.

“As cinemas across the world are rapidly digitalizing their facilities by installing LFDs in entrance halls, ticketing desks, snack bars, we believe the entertainment industry has limitless possibilities for using these striking displays,” said Kim Hyeon-seok, Vice President for Visual Display Samsung Electronics. “As a pioneer in creating new markets and energizing existing industries, Samsung Electronics is committed to taking the lead in digitalizing the movie industry, providing new and enriching and immersive experiences for moviegoers.”

Samsung has already secured a footprint in Europe with its LFD solutions. Les Cinemas Gaumont-Pathe, which operates around 1,000 movie screens in over a hundred cinemas across France, Switzerland and the Netherlands, has chosen Samsung’s screens to replace traditional paper posters resulting in easy management & getting more attentions from customers

Gaumont-Pathe has also improved the moviegoer experience at its snack bars by replacing printed food menus with LFDs that bring to life what’s on offer and also lets customers order in real time.

Samsung LFDs use LED backlight technology designed to consume less power, are lighter in weight than conventional displays, and can also be used around the clock. Further information on the displays on show at Cine Europe is available at:

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