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Samsung ranked 19th among the Top 100 global brands

Samsung ranked 19th among the Top 100 global brands

Samsung Electronics Company Limited, the global leader and award winning innovator in digital electronics and convergence technologies has been ranked 19th among the Top 100 brands. It also attained the 9th ranking within the IT industry. These rankings were published by “Interbrand”- the definitive guide to the most valuable global brands.The value of Samsung brand has been estimated at 19,491 million US Dollars, which shows an increase of 11% over last year. Interbrand’s annual report on the Best Global Brands is voted to be one of the three most influential benchmark studies by business leaders. It offers evaluative insights into how the best global organizations create and manage brand value.

The General Manager of Samsung Pakistan, Mr. Steve Han said, “Samsung considers its brand to be a strategic business asset and invests heavily on its brand building functions to gain on this intellectual capital. We have built a compelling brand-proposition around our strategic growth agenda to ensure success and returns”.

Commenting on Samsung’s brand performance, the Interbrand report says, Samsung has been on the forefront of digital and design, developing new products and increasing its presence in all its markets. Its sales growth, even in tough economic times, demonstrates its ability to effectively hedge its portfolio of businesses. This year, Samsung saw strong mobile phone sales. In the U.S., it was placed at number one for HDTV shipments and French-door refrigerators”.

Interbrand annually evaluates the value of global brands against 10 principles of brand strength including; Commitment, Protection, Clarity, Responsiveness, Authenticity, Relevance, Presence, Understanding, Consistency and Differentiation. The brands selected for this study are evaluated on their truly global success, transcending geographic and cultural differences. The brand should have the potential to penetrate into the emerging markets of the future. It should reflect world-class financial performance and an immaculate public awareness profile. To find out more about Interbrand’s methodology, please visit:

This achievement of Samsung can be attributed to business enhancements in memory/LCD, product launch of TV/HHP hero products along with Samsungs leadership and innovations in TV category.  Samsung fully realizes that the advent of modern telecommunications and hyper connectivity has transformed the art of brand management. An increasingly direct relationship with consumers has enforced a real-time approach to its brand responsiveness.

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