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Telenor’s executives mysterious resign – Customer Views

Telenor’s executives mysterious resign – Customer Views

 I am a Telenor customer since last 5 years without any serious complaints on the spectrum and delivery of their services. However, recently I have become a bit apprehensive about my telecom operator as I have read rather disbelieving news about Telenor on the web. It said that some high-ranking, senior executives of Telenor mysteriously resigned almost at once about two days ago. According to the news, these executives had spent long careers at Telenor and were responsible for sensitive positions including; Director Security, Regional Director Sales and Distribution and Vice-President Human Capital. I seriously hope that everything is under-control at Telenor, and there is no suspicious scam being un-earthed behind this incidence. Such bad news can initiate credibility issues with Telenor as a company and especially with services that it offers to its customers. I urge Telenor to immediately release an official clarification regarding this matter. It will help remove any doubts emerging in Telenor customers’ minds. Any delay in resolving this internal resource crisis can have serious repercussions on Telenor’s image and reputation among general public and its customers

By:Ahsan Jaffri

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