- Reporter PK
- October 14, 2010
- Latest Update: May 27, 2015 7:08 am
- 109
- 4 minutes read
- 0
Samaak Shehzad
A Concerned Pakistani:
In this day and age, where businesses are booming and vigilant about the information they provide to the consumer, advertising plays a major in influencing the society at large. I have had a keen interest in following these advertisements to learn the art and maybe one day practice it myself.
It is amazing how advertising can play with one’s mind and force one to believe that a product is right for them even if it’s not. I’m back from abroad almost a month ago and have witness an amazing fire power behind the great telecommunications war. The most aired are the telecommunication commercials, so much so that it feels like they are more in your face than the programs themselves. There is so much to learn and explore about our beautiful nation yet advertisers seem to keep their focus on a one point agenda.
A few weeks back Telenor’s internet more campaign was a shocker; it was everything I fought against while in the West. I stood for a well suited society who followed a great tradition only to come back and see our advertisers exploit the negatives in our society. I am not sure but I hear that the commercial was taken off air after customers shared their disgust in the idea behind the advertisement which shows great character of the organization as they realized the responsibility they have towards the society.
Much to my dismay Mobilink Jazz which once used to be a well equipped brand in the Pakistani industry has lost the charm behind the belief it once had, or should I say once shared with the consumers. The latest ad by the telecom giant is shameful as it brings forward those students that have wasted their time in college for years only to run after girls and what’s more sad is that in the end, the different characters shown freely talking on their mobile phones within the university premises. What effect will this have on the youth of this nation which is already on the way of a major downfall? I believe the idea is to show that it is more fun running after girls and telling them that one has a free calling service rather than focus on their much important studies. Where is this country leading to? Has Mobilink completely lost its essence of a socially responsible organization?
Someone somewhere needs to stand up and put forward a few questions in favor of the youth and ask advertisers who obviously have no creative sense but to keep focusing on a boy and girl relationship. Is that the only creative sense we have? Are we that creatively handicapped? Are we willing to fall so low that we set aside all our traditions and customs simply to earn money?
Pakistan needs an ambassador of change for the better, an ambassador with a soul to help take our youth to the top. But it is this obscene sense and exploitation of the worst within the society which will completely derail the focus our youth must have. A large part of those in colleges and universities are from the less privileged classes of the society whose parents have worked day and night to put their children into schools and get an education which will ensure a good future for them and their parents. Knowing the fact that these young minds are immature, naive and prove to be easily influenced by TV commercials, this Jazz ad personifies a high degree of irresponsibility. If these students are to pick up from where this commercial has ended it is inevitable that education will be the last of their priorities putting their lives and that of their families at stake.
Dr. Rammal MehmoodDr. Rammal Mehmood
Dr Rammal Mahmood, Shamsabad, Rawalpindi
Woman in our society is the embodiment of modesty, sobriety and sophistication; Regardless of modernity that eschews ethical norms, ours is the society where women are held in highest esteem. Even the so-called international language ‘English’ is unable to find an equivalent word for ‘ghirat’ since English speaking cultures are devoid of this trait. Chivalry is the closest translation which is also a precious trait of Pakistani culture.
I take strong exception of the most offensive ad in which two guys are trying to win over the consideration of a girl of their college through mundane actions.One ensures her to complete her assignment while the other most blatantly offers her to gossip with him throughout the night since company offers this chance!
I want to ask what sort of message do we want to convey to our younger generation? Do societal and religious barometers allow this vulgarity?This Telecom company is trying to impose Western values tacitly in the garb of selling SIM cards. Have we become so insensitive to allow such ads which provoke girls and boys of the normal families to follow the foot steps? This is highly objectionable to say the least in portraying women like a sellable commodity around which lusty lads strut and smirk in order to gratify her aesthetic sense? I want to remind this Telecom company to rethink its shallow ad campaigns as women in Pakistan are not public property.